Fan Created Content Help keep ArkhamCentral running Here you can find the Fan Created adventures. Sorted by rating. Heart of Darkness Campaign (Rating: 5.00 Votes: 21) Dark Khristmas (Rating: 5.00 Votes: 4) Against the Wendigo (Rating: 4.68 Votes: 117) Dark Matter (Rating: 4.67 Votes: 88) A matter of life and death (Rating: 4.67 Votes: 3) Pathfinder Strange Aeons (Rating: 4.65 Votes: 17) Alice in Wonderland campaign (Rating: 4.60 Votes: 53) Bread and Circuses Campaign (Rating: 4.58 Votes: 45) Cost of Azure (Rating: 4.57 Votes: 14) The Nameless City (Rating: 4.57 Votes: 7) The Symphony of Erich Zann (Rating: 4.56 Votes: 32) Stranger Things (Rating: 4.55 Votes: 33) The Limens of Belief (Rating: 4.53 Votes: 30) Carnevale of Spiders (Rating: 4.50 Votes: 2) Winter Winds Campaign (Rating: 4.45 Votes: 33) The Approaching Storm campaign (Rating: 4.43 Votes: 21) Betrayal at the Mountains of Madness (Rating: 4.42 Votes: 19) Blood spilled in Salem (Rating: 4.41 Votes: 22) Shadows of Yog Sothoth campaign (Rating: 4.40 Votes: 25) Android Horror campaign(Android Netrunner, Arkham Horror crossover) (Rating: 4.38 Votes: 16) Jennys Choice (Rating: 4.38 Votes: 16) The Svalbard Event (Rating: 4.38 Votes: 13) The War of the Worlds campaign (Rating: 4.38 Votes: 8) North Country Cycle (Rating: 4.37 Votes: 35) Of Sphinx and sands campaign (Rating: 4.35 Votes: 20) A Scandal in Whitechapel (Rating: 4.33 Votes: 9) Legions of fire (Rating: 4.33 Votes: 6) The Pensher Wyrm (Rating: 4.32 Votes: 31) In Blackest Pits Campaign (Rating: 4.30 Votes: 10) The Stolen Bacillus (Rating: 4.30 Votes: 10) The Colour out of space (Rating: 4.20 Votes: 20) The Grand Oak Hotel (Rating: 4.20 Votes: 20) Forbidding Desert (Rating: 4.17 Votes: 6) The Thing in the woods (Rating: 4.14 Votes: 14) Pokemon: Eldritch Edition (Rating: 4.13 Votes: 15) Bridge of Sighs (Rating: 4.11 Votes: 18) The Red Room (Rating: 4.11 Votes: 9) Delta Green Convergence (Rating: 4.11 Votes: 9) The Festival (Rating: 4.08 Votes: 38) Happys Funhouse (Rating: 4.06 Votes: 18) The Curse of Amulotep (Rating: 4.00 Votes: 25) The Black Stone (Rating: 4.00 Votes: 11) The Outsider campaign (Rating: 4.00 Votes: 6) On The Walachian Trail (Rating: 4.00 Votes: 6) Darkness Falls (The X-Files) (Rating: 4.00 Votes: 6) Night at Tulving Manor (Rating: 4.00 Votes: 5) Gift of the Black Mist Campaign (Rating: 4.00 Votes: 2) Outlast (Rating: 4.00 Votes: 1) The Ordo Templi Orientis campaign (Rating: 3.92 Votes: 12) The Search for Kotorovic mini campaign (Rating: 3.89 Votes: 9) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Rating: 3.88 Votes: 8) Snakes on a train (Rating: 3.80 Votes: 5) The London set campaign (Rating: 3.75 Votes: 4) Into the Shadowlands Campaign (Rating: 3.73 Votes: 11) Knightfall (a Batman adventure) (Rating: 3.71 Votes: 7) Machining A Mystery campaign (Rating: 3.60 Votes: 5) The Lurker in the Lobby (Rating: 3.60 Votes: 5) Dead by dawn (Rating: 3.50 Votes: 4) The nephew calls (Rating: 3.45 Votes: 11) Masks of Nyarlathotep – New York (Rating: 3.00 Votes: 8) The Collector (Rating: 2.93 Votes: 42) Parallel Univers (Rating: 2.17 Votes: 12) The rats in the walls (Rating: 1.75 Votes: 4)