The Symphony of Erich Zann

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Author/Creator : Axolotl all credits goes to him.

“But despite all I have done it remains an humiliating fact that I cannot find the house, the street, or even the locality, where, during the last months of my impoverished life as a student of metaphysics at the university, I heard the music of Erich Zann.”
– H.P.Lovecraft, The Music of Erich Zann

***The Symphony of Erich Zann*** is loosely a sequel to Lovecraft’s *The Music of Erich Zann*, similar to what the Dunwhich Legacy was to the Dunwhich Horror. The investigators must enter the Auseil Theatre, where the violist once performed, and stop an orchestra from playing his music.

This custom scenario can be played as both a standalone and as a side story to any campaign. (thematically works best as a side-story in the middle of Path to Carcosa). If you play as a side story, it costs each investigator 2 xp for a chance to get some nifty story assets.
In *The Symphony of Erich Zann*, the horror is not as tangible as in your previous adventures. The terror is in the overwhelming music that you hear throughout the theatre. Music treacheries do not discard themselves after a certain amount time – instead, there is a maximum amount of Music treacheries that can be in play at once, written on the agenda. When the maximum would be exceeded, you must discard the earliest Music treachery that was put into play. As such, the music will continuously flow and evolve as the investigators march forward into the theatre.
**How to play:**
– You can download these print and play files to print the scenario yourself or with a printing service. The Scenario Guide is included in the download.
– You can play this scenario on Tabletop Simulator following this link and the instructions there.
Hope you enjoy this scenario and I would love to read your feedback or criticism on any aspect of it! ~

My verdict:

Background story:5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)
Visual experience:5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)
Overall experience:5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)
Average:5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)
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4 years ago

I’m just waiting for my printing service to send this then I will let you know how it plays

4 years ago
Reply to  Sully

Do you have a project file you could share for the printed card setup?

4 years ago
Reply to  K-Roc

I don’t know what a project file is I’m sorry. I just spent hours taking screen shots of individual card pictures and uploaded them to printer I will share what I did once I see final outcome it was a ball ache uploading them to make sure the right front card had the right back lol. Im sure there must be easier ways of doing it

4 years ago
Reply to  sully

Do you know what type of format would make it easier for you next time? I thought you could use the individual card images for the website. I can try to provide the correct files next time.

Also, thanks for trying it out and hope you enjoy the scenario!

4 years ago
Reply to  Axolotl

individual card pictures are needed for uploading to the print service I use. I think they may accept pdfs with several cards on but I had to go on the site and arrange each individual picture so that each card had the right pic on the reverse side. it comes as a pack of ready made playing cards not sheets that have to be cut and folded

4 years ago
Reply to  Axolotl

ignore my remarks on individual files you did supply them im getting confused with another scenario I had to upload and get printed that did not have individual file pics

4 years ago
Reply to  Sully

Did you proofread the files? Advise to wait until you know all the typos are fixed.

Mike hawkins
Mike hawkins
4 years ago

the Scenario is absolutely amazing! The only fuzzy part was the gallery. I assume the extra clue you get from the investigate action on that location is taken from the token pool? If not, I can see just getting stuck.

But I would emphasize that is a minuscule question about a masterpiece! Amazing work! I love what you did with the performer investigators. And the scenario begs to be played with “symphony fantastique”.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mike hawkins

Hi Mike, thanks for trying it out and I’m glad you enjoyed it!! The action on the Gallery is supposed to just be clue acceleration and grab the clue from the Auditorium (thematically you have the high ground can see what’s going on from there). There should be enough clues in general, not counting the locations with only 1 clues. (2 per on the Gallery, 2 per on the Auditorium, and 1 per in the lobby). The first act costs 3 per, the ‘second act’ fight doesn’t actually remove the clues from the game, since it puts them on the… Read more »

4 years ago

Printed out the content, found more typos. If I made a list would you be willing to update?

4 years ago
Reply to  Kos

I will gladly! I might wait a bit for more feedback before making a big update, but I’m grateful for any feedback!

4 years ago
Reply to  Axolotl

If it’s just typos it would be great to have them sooner rather than later. I saw a few minor typos as well, nothing that breaks the game, but it will be nice to have a typo-free version before ordering a print 🙂 Anyway, just my two cents. Thank you for creating and sharing this!

4 years ago
Reply to  uriel

That’s fair! I’ll go over the story text again. If you could point out some of the mistakes you saw to me I’ll fix them and try to bring out a bugfix version as soon as i can.

If it’s the interspaced french words in the intro of the scenario guide, that’s just me trying to evoke a French accent from the conductor, althouh I don’t think it works too well.

4 years ago
Reply to  uriel

It’s been updated with fixed typos that people pointed out to me! If you see anything else let me know!

4 years ago
Reply to  Axolotl

Thanks for the update. I think Kos got all the typos I noticed. Haven’t read the back of agenda/act cards though, I don’t want to spoil it for myself 🙂

4 years ago

TSoEZ errata (following the pdfs from first to last:) 1. Beyond the Curtain: – to ward something off -> to ward off something – slip out of your bag and drift along -> slipped .. drifted – chill does not transport, -> icy vent – illimitable is legal but measureless is more common nowadays 2. Overture – home of .. -> home to one of.. – in search of -> in search for 3. Crescendo – missing when you would exceed the maximum 4. Opus Magnum had sprung up -> persist = present -> sprang up (or has sprung up)… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Kos

This is perfect! I’ll be fixing these and uploading a new version possibly within a week. (Making the files takes a bit of time) A few notes: 1. Illimitable was used in the original short story, so I’ll keep it 3. The original parenthesis in Agenda 1 was just a reminder of the special rules detailed in the scenario guide, there wouldn’t be enough space on Agenda 3, so I decided to only put the reminder once. 4. I changed it to “with the rhythm” instead, to make it fit in the space. 5. “The player was dripping with an… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Axolotl

Agreed. Thanks for sharing. Just remember the h in “labyrinthine vertigo”. This text you keep referring to was that Lovecrafts writing?

4 years ago
Reply to  Kos

Indeed! The scenario is loosely a sequel to Lovecraft’s The Music of Erich Zann!

4 years ago
Reply to  Kos

About Surge: found in another campaign that FFG does not capitalize game effects in AH:LCG, so it should be gains surge, not gains Surge – while I don’t prefer it, specific in-game internal consistency beats general boardgame conventions.

4 years ago

I haven’t played AH:LCG in quite some time, so some details were foggy, highlighted in the points below. Hope you find them of some use 😉

4 years ago
Reply to  Kos

Hey! Thanks a bunch for your comprehensive list! You caught on a lot of sneaky mistakes and questionable wording. I’ll be fixing it shortly and uploading a new version hopefully sooner rather than later.

I was wondering how you were so proficient at English? I honestly would never have noticed some of these.

4 years ago
Reply to  Axolotl

Thanks! And thanks for asking – I was raised bilingual Dutch/Greek, which helps, along with a talent for natural language. My parents read me bedtime stories as a small kid.
Nowadays I do pro bono* rulebook proofreading of a lot of kickstarters**. As a mathematician by study and programmer by trade I am used to choose precise wording where others fail.
*) it is in my interest to have something as good as possible.
**) as of late, also hobby expansions for WQ:ACG & MD.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kos

Amazing! I would never have thought that English wasn’t even your first language. I’m working on a new scenario, when it’s ready, would you be willing to help proofread the cards before I post it on Arkham Central? It would make the whole process a lot simpler.

You can find me on Reddit by the username MedicalNote.

4 years ago

Also, while it may not be convention, if I were to design a card with duplicates, I would vary each copy a bit on the stats, so they feel more like an entity instead of an element of a set. It would impact player agency as well. One card with more eva, but less batttle and so on. Just my 2$.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kos

This is always fun! My favourite scenarios are always the ones with a bunch of unique enemies / locations to meet and explore. That’s why I made multiple different musicians with different mechanics to explore! The design problem with too many unique encounter cards is that it makes the encounter deck much more unpredictable, and hard to play around. If you know how a Swarm of Rats look like you can better prepare for it when a second or third one appears. This is much more important for more difficult enemies or treacheries like rotting remains. In the case of… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Axolotl

Haha sorry my design talent has been neglected for too long. I wouldn’t know where to start.. The only thing I would love to create is a card based version of Lord of Destruction that is actually fun to play, modular, diceless, Dragonhold style. Personally, if the original work were deemed shoddy and sloppy I would have no qualms whatsoever if I could improve the wording. I play AH:ACG withOUT replacing Chaos tokens – because it is a flaw in FFG design. Some games should have memory. AH bathes in memory. On recognizing and counting cards, keep the title but… Read more »

4 years ago

The scenario has been updated to it’s tentative final version (1.1) with fixed typos / wording changes and added replayability!

Let me know if there’s any mistakes, but this will probably be the last version unless I make a ‘Return to’ in the future.

4 years ago
Reply to  Axolotl

I’m still waiting for my printed copy to arrive so too late to change anything. Not bothered by typos but what have you changed to add replayability

4 years ago
Reply to  Sully


I’ve just added two new locations to randomly pick from – so nothing too major.

I’ve added a single encounter card with surge that adds a bit of uncertainty.

I’ve changed one of the abilities on a reward card to be slightly more interesting.

Finally, I’ve reduced the difficulty by a little bit, it was pretty harsh so be prepared for a challenge! If that doesn’t bother you then nothing else is different!

Hope you enjoy! There were no game-breaking bugs or anything so it should generally play the same.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sully

Which printer service did you use? I have been using for my previous printings, but I just received an email from them saying that some of these images are having their text cut off when uploaded.
Anyone else have these issues?

4 years ago

Tried out this afternoon, Overall a good game experience, a really good background story but the gameplay is a bit fuzzy and overly complicated sometimes.

4 years ago
Reply to  UTGun

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, with all the treacheries are kind of annoying to keep track of everything. Glad you had a good experience though!

Christopher U.
Christopher U.
4 years ago

I played this two weeks ago on TTS. I noticed a lot of typos, but skimming the comments perhaps they’ve been fixed, but not on TTS. I will say it was really enjoyable for me. I think you did a great job. We did a four player game of Marie, Lola, Patrice, and Winnie. I like that you incorporated the Performer keyword, but I wish there was also a beneficial payoff to playing a Performer other than being assigned a weakness. The largest criticisms from the group were: 1) it felt like there were too many things to keep track… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Christopher U.

Thanks for playing! The number of things to keep track of is the most annoying part of the scenario for sure!


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4 years ago

Were we playing it correct, that if you advance the final Agenda 3a while still in Act 2a, the only option is to resign? This unfortunately prevented us from seeing many of the “set aside” locations, but perhaps we just played extremely poorly. 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Lance

Unfortunately that’s correct! I thought the doom threshold would have been long enough for most parties. Did you feel like you were running out of time or the boss fight took too long? I know if you don’t rush it the number of music treacheries will stack up and make it much harder.

Thanks for playing! Feels bad that you didn’t get to my favourite part of the scenario but I hope you still enjoyed it.

4 years ago
Reply to  MedicalNote

I accidently used my reddit username to reply- MedicalNote is me, the creator.

4 years ago
Reply to  MedicalNote

Think Mae also was chatting with you about our session. I think we just got bogged down early on based on some unlucky combos and were super-slow getting clues for Act 1. At that point, it became very hard to catch up. Might have to give this another go to actually get to the Stage Hall.

4 years ago

Just gave it a try. You have really put some neat concepts into this scenario. The ACT 3 synergy between the enemies and the treacheries was really creative. Kudos. I too had some confusion with the clues. It seems like you have to have a near perfect play in terms of getting clues fast enough to get through ACT 2. I do admit that I misunderstood the directions and thought to defeat the ACT 2 boss I needed to spend the clues, which made clues really in short supply and made ACT 3 super rough and also require perfect clue… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Qulz

Hi! Thanks for playing! I think the majority of people who played spend the clues instead of placing then down. In the older playtesting versions, you did have to spend the clues but there was infinite clues on the auditorium! I kinda wish I kept it that way since most people who play seem to get this part wrong. (Which is perfectly normal because we are so used to spending clues in Arkham Horror, i realized i did the same mistake of spending instead of placing clues in another fan made scenario too haha). Anyway, thanks for trying it out!… Read more »

4 years ago



The Symphony of Erich Zann has been updated to version 1.2

– Updated act 2 so that it’s both easier and less confusing
– Reduced the complexity by a bit
– Fixed some typos
– Added a credits page with design notes
– Added Isabel La Fratta as a bonus investigator
– Changed all font to Arno Pro
– Added bleed images for printing services

3 years ago
Reply to  Axolotl

Hi you have a strange eons files ?

4 years ago

Hi can you have a strange eons files ? I have to translante your expansion ! Big Thanks 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  L;gan

Hi, there are already a french and german translation on the way for the next update. You can contact me on discord ( Axolotl#4672 ) or reddit (MedicalNote) and i can send the eons files over!

4 years ago

Updated to Final Version! 1.3

– Switched The Window to Nothingness into a treachery so that it’s easier to play with and doesn’t need extra rules,
– Fixing some formatting and collection number / encounter set numbers
– Adding some story text and an extra stretch goal if you play with Isabel La Fratta

Thanks everyone for all the feedback! This will be the last update for the foreseeable future, any extra changes will be erratas or with a “return to” in the future.


[…] can download print and play files and individual image files on Arkham Central to print the scenario […]

4 years ago

Hey all! This is kinda awkward haha. I’m working on a blog that will let anyone post FFG style articles for their custom content – mostly for more informative descriptions about scenarios and eventually design notes and guides for creating content. It seems like WordPress automatically comments because I linked it in my blog post, which is interesting but might get spammy? Anyway, it’s not meant to be a hosting website like Arkham Central (which is why that post links back to here), but just a place to write good looking articles. The blog and website is still in its… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Axolotl

That’s excellent news. Looking forward to try it out!

3 years ago

I’ll do my best to provide intelligent feedback once I’ve played it, but right now I just want to celebrate your rare decision to offer individual cards with bleed in the download folder. I get that casual players or players on a budget enjoy using printer, scissors, and glue, but I am among the players who want to use a print service to treat the fanmades with seriousness. I uploaded and ordered it through a print service and now I can’t wait to get it and play it. I will certainly say just from handling the cards for the upload… Read more »

3 years ago

Probably the best fanmade scenario I’ve tried. It just delivered on setting a theme and actualizing it. Bravo.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

Hi Axolotl. I was on the point of building the print and just found you had released a version 1.3. Great to see this work being maintained! A few very minor details: Scenario book p5 * was the Lovecraft’s best story -> was Lovecraft’s best story * or of the -> or the (ref. nature of the threat; have answer as to the nature) * to most of the game -> either remove it or replace with -> into this game. (what is most of the game is irrelevant) Agenda 2b * that was not from -> (style, suggests the… Read more »

3 years ago

We played this mission with 4 investigators as part of a NotZ+side missions run. It was definitely on the better half of the side missions we did — the encounter set is extremely thematic. Information gets increasingly spoilery as we go: There are some effects which apply to Musician investigators. The mission is of an average length compared to other missions. The mission does a good job of letting you solve problems in multiple ways, although does have certain points which require you to either fight or clue your way through. Although the encounter cards are cool, some of them… Read more »

2 years ago

Deafening Brass is a little too deadly in easy mode (6 skulls in the bag) compared with the others

1 year ago

Has anyone created a master PDF of this so that it can just be printed on regular paper? I typically am able to print 9 cards/sheet but it’s quite time consuming to format everything

1 year ago

Hi Axolotl, this scenario is very very cool!!!! I love it and I’m thinking to translate it in Italian. Very good work!!

adam janes
adam janes
1 year ago

Any suggetions for a deck and maybe what investigators? I have core,dunwich,Edge of earth, and carcosa investigators

1 year ago

Hello! Is it possible to have the strange eons’ files? I would like to translate it in italian!! Thank you very much!

3 months ago

Is there any way to get this faster? I have this on download but it’s at a 10-30KBps speed.

3 months ago
Reply to  Y N

Goes full speed here? perhaps your connection is unstable?

3 months ago
Reply to  CBN

That gave me some idea and I tried a VPN and it downloaded fine, thanks 🙂