Against the Wendigo

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If you want the French version, then you can download it HERE.
If you want the Italian version, then you can download it HERE.

“Against the Wendigo is my first custom stand alone scenario for Arkham Horror TCG. I translated it to from french to english with the help of 2 awesome proofreaders, Stephen W “St Cretin” and Matt A.”bakunin888″.
This scenario is a sequel to the Call Of Cthulhu RPG add-on “Alone Against the Wendigo”, a solo adventure written by Glenn Rahman, edited by Chaosium. Several months after the outcome of the original adventure, you explore the wild Hanninah Valley in Canada’s far Northwest, looking for the missing students of Dr Nadelmann’s expedition.
It is not necessary to know the original story to play this scenario. However, be forewarned that the North Hanninah valley is a wild and dangerous territory, from which many explorers have never returned…

You only need player cards from a core game box in order to play this 71 cards scenario (+1 cover card), no need for official encounters cards.
Please note that the scenario comes with a FFG-style campaign guide for special rules, setup and resolutions, you will need it in order to play.

You can play it as a stand alone scenario, or as an additional adventure in campaign mode for 2xp per investigator. “
Author/Creator : Vinn Quest all credits goes to him.

09-14-2020 Update log :
#08 and #09 Mountain Range : Card text should be “… You cannot move into the Mountain Range. Forced – If there are 2 clues on the Mountain Range (3 clues instead for a 3 or 4 player game): reveal it.

#11 Impenetrable Forest : Card text should be “… You cannot move into the Impenetrable Forest.”

#16 Swamp : Card text should be “… You cannot move into the Swamp.”

#17 Site of Ancient Stones : Card text should be “… You cannot move into the Site of Ancient Stones.”

#19 Isolated Land : Card text should be “… You cannot move into the Isolated Land.”

#22 Charlie Foxtail’s Destiny, Choice #113:12 14/09/2020 : “this card” should be “Charlie Foxtail’s Destiny”

My verdict:

Background story:5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)
Visual experience:5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)
Overall experience:5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)
Average:5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)
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Nathan Early
Nathan Early
5 years ago

First off, I am blown away with the art, flavor, and detail that went into this! I just got my copy printed out and eager to try it. Thank you so much for adding to the Arkham Community Vinn Quest!

5 years ago
Reply to  Nathan Early

Thank for the feedback Nathan, I hope you’ll enjoy the adventure !

Nathan Early
Nathan Early
5 years ago
Reply to  vinn_quest

After playing it, I am officially a huge fan. Great mechanics, great pacing, tons of fun. Shot to the top tier of my all time favorite scenarios.

5 years ago

Would it be possible to get the source cards so I can translate to Polish?

5 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Hi Matt ! Sure, mail me at and i’ll give you a link to the source files.

5 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Can you have it in Polish version ?

5 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Cześć czy coś już może masz przetłumaczonego z jakiegokolwiek scenariusza na Polski ?
Napisz do mnie na email:

5 years ago


4 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Hello, need a hand during translation or got it done (even part of it)? Write to me I can help with designe and translation 🙂

Alberto Cruz
Alberto Cruz
5 years ago

Unbelievable—-What a experience we had. Very well done, the scenario locations fits perfectly to the storytelling. We will play it again. We could have done more for investigating the case but the time of play was a bit longer than we expected, 4 hours and we decided to leave the scenario, otherwise we finished it very well but we left some experience points. Many Thanks to Vinn Quest for making this possible.

Vinn Quest
Vinn Quest
5 years ago
Reply to  Alberto Cruz

Thanks for your feed back Alberto, it’s very cool !

5 years ago

Excellent scenario! Although I have to curse you for some tests and the specs of some enemies 😀 lol… I ran away to finish the scenario (1 investigator), but definitively want to replay to try to explore all the aspects. Congratulations! And please, keep making scenarii as good as this one.

Vinn Quest
Vinn Quest
5 years ago
Reply to  LioDePot

Thanks for your feed back LioDePot ! I’ll do by best for what is coming next 😉

5 years ago

is there suppose to be a 2 b agenda or not i was just wondering.

Vinn Quest
Vinn Quest
5 years ago
Reply to  ruby

Hi ruby ! To answer your question without spoiling anything: some times there is no b side on agenda or act card in a scenario (scenario #2 of the core box for instance). If there is something else you resolve the revelation effect and just continue with the next agenda or act card. And every thing you have in my scenario is supposed to be here… Well at least what you have on b sides 😉
I hope this answer you question, else feel free to contact me, i left my mail somewhere in a previous reply. Have fun !

chris poor
chris poor
5 years ago

Played last night with four x zero experience investigators as a standalone scenario. Took 4 hours. Great use of theme and the game engine. Neat to see the card layout applied to wide open spaces, and the feel of the Canadian Rockies was good. Great story – both the setup story for the original expedition, and the story that unfolded as we played – the guides and their families, the RCMP and their response, and the terrain and weather. The mist rolling through the valley, and the fickle nature of the river were well-done. Beautiful card design – evocative art… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  chris poor

Hello Chris, and thanks for your cool review ! I did spend a lot of time and consideration on illustrations’ choices, i’m happy that the final result was worth it 🙂 Spoiler-free answers for your questions : 1 . Guide-traited ally don’t have an ally symbol, and so don’t take an ally slot. It’s an implicit rule i’ve noticed from official scenarios: an ally you encounter in a scenario don’t have an ally symbol, unless this ally is supposed to be added in your deck at the end of the scenario, being playable in the next scenarios of a campaign,… Read more »

5 years ago

It could be possible to get the psd file to translate it to spanish?

5 years ago
Reply to  Oriol

Hi Oriol, I made the scenario with Strange Eons, so i don’t have .psd files, but .eon files.
Send me a mail at if you’re still interested, so i could send you the link for the files.

5 years ago

Is there any allowance in Polish?

Vinn Quest
Vinn Quest
5 years ago
Reply to  PatrykKon1990

Hi ! I made this scenario with Strange Eons, so i don’t have .psd files, but .eon files. If you wish to translate it in polish not problem, send me a mail at i will send you the link for the files.

5 years ago
Reply to  Vinn Quest
Dio anemo
Dio anemo
5 years ago

Mesmerising work. Well done! Absolutely loved every detail of it. A solid, thought-through scenario, with amazing theme and set up.

Vinn Quest
Vinn Quest
5 years ago
Reply to  Dio anemo

Thanks Dio anemo !

5 years ago

Thanks for making this frankly amazing scenario for us!! Really enjoyed my playthrough on this one.

Vinn Quest
Vinn Quest
5 years ago
Reply to  gustave154

Thanks gustave154 i’m glad you liked it 🙂

5 years ago

Since there is so much text on some of the cards, created a pdf to print larger for you amusement

5 years ago

This was an incredible scenario, super fun to play. I enjoyed trying to navigate the river while running from the wendigo. Along those same lines, working my way through the different areas was a blast.
Thanks for a well designed scenario.

Simone Santuari
Simone Santuari
4 years ago

Hi everyone! In the last few months I’ve been working on the italian version of this scenario (Vinn was incredibly nice and helpful) and it will be available soon! Stay tuned 😀

Son of Yog-Sothoth
Son of Yog-Sothoth
4 years ago

I finally got round to making the scenario available on PrinterStudio! Here it is:
Should be $21 plus postage costs.

Having now, finally (after a year break from board games) printed and played through it, I can say that the game design and the print quality are both excellent! Highly recommended epic journey through the Canadian north. I might be biased because I proofread, but it does seem really good.

Ithaqua fhtagn!

Simone Santuari
Simone Santuari
4 years ago

Hope that you printed the ones with the latest corrections that Vinn posted at the end of November! 🙂

Son of Yog-Sothoth
Son of Yog-Sothoth
4 years ago

I’m reasonably sure I printed the latest version, how could I check?

4 years ago

The change log is in this page, just above the commentary section. For instance :
#4a Agenda 3a : Forced effet should be “When at least 1 damage is placed on an investigator or an Ally asset: Add 1 doom … “

Ed W.
Ed W.
3 years ago

Is this the most recent version?

4 years ago

Do you have this story in Spanish?

4 years ago
Reply to  Rober

Hi Rober ! I’m in touch with a spanish translator, the scenario will hopefully be available in spanish soon…

4 years ago

I played this scenario this morning and it’s very cool. It’s ambitious and looks great. My one criticism would be to make the movement and location connections more clear, as this felt massively confusing until we stumbled and bumbled our way to the end of the scenario. If I understand the rules correctly, I’d say to work in the following clarifications. 1. The river seems like you can only move along it via the actions on the cards. It doesn’t function like other location cards. The movement actions on the River cards are the only way to move from one… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Justin

Hi, Justin, thanks for the comment !
I’ll take this in consideration for the next version of the scenario that i’m planning to do this summer. Espacialy the location reveal mecanism, i’ll probably fix it the way you propose.
Cheers !

4 years ago

This scenario is awesome, well written and a blast to play. My only complaint is that the encounters that attached to locations or just increased difficulty for the following round were a bit too plentiful and cleared easily. This got in the way of seeing some of the more unique interactions like deer/skinwalker etc. I think why I play again I will remove 1 of each of those encounter cards and change the clear condition on the attach cards to clear on an elder sign through 0 rather than ‘not a symbol’.

David Y
David Y
4 years ago

Hi Author, I noticed you have got this scenario available to print at I wanted to ask please if it isn’t too difficult, is there a way to add it to also? I emailed their customer service to ask if I could order your scenario thru the UK site, but apparently user-made content can’t be ordered across their own sister sites 🙁 If it is easy, it would be great for British/Euro fans to save a fortune on shipping/import charges! Many thanks.

4 years ago
Reply to  David Y

Hi, and sorry for the late reply.
Some one else put the scenario on printerstudio, sorry i can’t help you on that…
I order my copies on, the import charges are inexistant if you order with standard shipping, not with UPS.
Cheers !

4 years ago

The Charlie Foxtail choice #1 reads oddly… if I am reading it correctly I should remove from the game an agenda or act that advances which advances. This has an odd interaction with agenda 2b. Do I put agenda 2b into play or remove it from the game and record the natives are after me?

Thanks for the clarification

4 years ago
Reply to  Kodab

Hi and sorry for the late reply.
“remove that card from the game” should actually reads “remove Charlie foxtail’s destiny from the game”. I thought it was clear but your comment shows it could be easely misunderstoud. That would be for the next version of the scenario, hopefully for this summer.

Laszlo M
Laszlo M
4 years ago

Best costume made I ever played. Great job!

4 years ago
Reply to  Laszlo M

Many thanks for your comment 😉

4 years ago

Hi Vinn,, is it possible to get the files to make a translation into german? Or how can we possibly do that? 🙂 I’m interested to translate this 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Taxy

Hi, sorry for the late reply.
I’m in touch with a german translator since february, but no word from him ever since. I you want to help translate this scenario, please mail me at
Cheers !

3 years ago
Reply to  vinn_quest

Hi Vinn! Did you manage to get this translated into German?

I would gladly offer my help as well.

Thanks, Sebastian

3 years ago
Reply to  ycarium

Hi !
No news since 8 months, sorry…
Feel free to send me a mail at if you wish to participate in this german translation 🙂

Eric Boivin
Eric Boivin
4 years ago

We did that scenario tonight, it was very intesting! We, living in the cold Canada, it was funny to us to see the folklore references to indians and the Mounties, but that was fine. This is a scenario with very a lot going on. We definitely appreciated the multiple side-quests in it, which made the whole thing very enjoyable and full of surprises. We did manage to succeed the senario very well, and were surprised by the generosity of the rewards. That would probably be my only criticism of the scenario; we understand that it is brutal, and we could… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Eric Boivin

Hi and thank you for your comment !
I’m glad canadian people could enjoy it 🙂
During the playtest, the XP was to few for some, too much for other just like you say in your comment, it was pretty hard to balance it, knowing many failed the scenario or had to flee the hanninah valley to soon to gain enought XP. Maybe i’ll fix it in the next version of the scenario.
Cheers !

Christopher U.
Christopher U.
4 years ago

My friends and I had a really good time with this scenario when we played it two weeks ago. I would play it again. The custom investigators worked well.

Question on the Seeker’s mechanic is the intention that if you fail and draw cards off your deck to commit that you draw your weaknesses or are you meant to just reveal cards and commit the ones you can?

4 years ago
Reply to  Christopher U.

Hi Christopher, thanks for your comment !
I’m sorry, i don’t understand your question… feel free to mail me at if you wish to ask me some questions about the scenario 🙂

Steve K
Steve K
4 years ago

Great scenario. Very thematic. It really nails the feeling of being in the wilderness.

4 years ago
Reply to  Steve K

Thank you Steve 😉

4 years ago

If I find typos would you be willing to fix? Or are you so done with this product?

4 years ago
Reply to  Kos

Hi Kos, please send me a mail at i’ll add the fixed typo in the new version this summer. Thanks !

4 years ago

First, beautiful work. I just printed my copy and I’m excited to cut it out and play it. I have crafted many print and play card games, but yours was my first Arkham Central package. I don’t know if this is common on this site, but I don’t generally see print and play games where card backs and fronts are on the same page. Usually the fronts are all side by side on one sheet and the card backs are on the next page of the pdf. That way I can print double sided and use half as much paper.… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Joe

Home printers are usually not precise enough to print front and back on both side of the page with a perfect alignment. With the front and back on the same side you get a perfect alignment when you fold the page. Most people print on standard paper and sleeve the cards with an unused card in between to get a similar stiffness as normal cards.

Ashcan Pete
Ashcan Pete
4 years ago

Outstanding scenario, just scraped through the first play through with Ashcan Pete and the best thing is I can see there is tonnes and tonnes of depth and replay value here. Definitely worth the time to print and cut out the cards. Thanks for all the hard work to put this together!

Vinn Quest
Vinn Quest
4 years ago
Reply to  Ashcan Pete

Many thanks Ashcan 😉

Mrs Sarah J Compton-Hall
Mrs Sarah J Compton-Hall
4 years ago

I really want to get this one printed, but reading the comments there’s a few things that are supposed to be “fixed” in the new version. Is the “new version” the one here or do you have an ETA for when it will be available? Thanks. Appreciate all your hard work!

Vinn Quest
Vinn Quest
4 years ago

Hi Sarah, I will upload the new version soon, In a few days if every thing goes as plan. Thanks for your support !

Mrs Sarah J Compton-Hall
Mrs Sarah J Compton-Hall
4 years ago
Reply to  Vinn Quest

Thanks for the reply Vinn 🙂

Vinn Quest
Vinn Quest
4 years ago

Hi Sarah,
Updated cards are now available on this page, make sure to use the last updated cards when you get your deck printed 😉

4 years ago

If added into a campaign, do any of the player cards get added to the investigators’ decks post-scenario ? I just want to know if any of the cards require a higher quality print and sleeve to ensure they blend better with the official FFG cards in my collection

Vinn Quest
Vinn Quest
4 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Hi Jeff,yes you might gain some cards a the end of the scenario, that will depend of your in-game choices and your resolution…

4 years ago

I printed these off in black and white and played them with a friend and had such a good time that I paid to have these printed professionally for another run-through. After receiving them from the printer, I can now add that the art which I couldn’t really see previously is also very nice!

This adventure is great, and for my money, better than the Hotel, Rougarou, and Guardians of the Abyss. I quite liked Carnavale, and would say it’s easily its equal or better. Cheers friend, in my opinion this is better than professionally crafted adventures from FFG.

Vinn Quest
Vinn Quest
4 years ago
Reply to  Court

Many thanks for your comment Court 🙂

Philippe Vandeperre V.
Philippe Vandeperre V.
4 years ago

Loa cabo de jugar y está increíble. Se siente la inmersión, y todo tiene coherencia entre sí y con el tema. Excelente arte además.

3 years ago

Muchas gracias Philippe 😉

4 years ago

Wow – just downloaded the sceanrio and the quality and work gone into this is fantastic.
Well done – I will get this printed up and I look forward to playing it.
Thanks for all the hard work.

Vinn Quest
Vinn Quest
4 years ago
Reply to  Andy

Thank you very much Andy!
Updated cards are available on this page, make sure to use the last updated cards when you get your deck printed 😉

Diego Márquez
Diego Márquez
4 years ago

Hello, i printed and played it with a friend and was an amazin experience. Im from south america and i like to know if i can get the source cards so i can translate the campaign to Spanish. I would love to share with other players this scenario but a lot of people have issues to understand certain rules in english. Thank you very much for the mechanics and the art.

3 years ago
Reply to  Diego Márquez

Hi Diego,
thanks for your comment !
feel free to send me a mail at, i’ll give you the strange eons source files for your translation.

3 years ago

May I get the source for translation and distribution in Korean?

3 years ago
Reply to  Leejaechang

Hi !
feel free to send me a mail at, i’ll give you the strange eons source files for your translation.

Andrew Miller
Andrew Miller
3 years ago

our first player made scenario and we enjoyed it very much. Question – Terryfying visions card, if you fail the reveal test does it stay in your threat area (forever?). Also in terms of balance – we didn’t have particularly good at books characters so struggled with the clue locations being 3’s and 4’s (it felt the whole thing would have been (much) easier had I brought daisy, especially with clues being so core to progression. of course, when enemies appeared we were able to put them down.

3 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Miller

Hi Andrew,
i’m happy you have enjoyed this scenario !
– yes, Terryfing visions stays in your threat area, unless you have solutions like Alter Fate.
– This scenario is intended to be played with investigators with some xp cards. If you have a balanced group it’s better as well, but that’s the case for almost every scenario, official or not…

Andrew Miller
Andrew Miller
3 years ago
Reply to  vinn_quest

We gave the characters the 9 exp as per the rulebook to boost them a little, as it turned out we didn’t build for clues but did defeat the enemies with relative ease. Terrifying visions was a harsh card for a scenario with ao many animals and the no chance to get rid of it was annoying, usually, even the harshest of weaknesses have a way to overcome the effects.

3 years ago

This is a polished design with some interesting mechanical ideas. The writing however, left something to be desired. Much of the writing could use a copy editing pass and the description of the local indigenous people as savage, angry, and uncivilized felt dated at best, racist at worst. There’s also not much in the way of spooky stuff going on in this scenario until very late in the game. And you only see the titular wendigo if you do poorly on the clue gathering. Many of the encounter cards simply feature wildlife or local people.

3 years ago

We played this mission with 4 investigators as part of a NotZ+side missions run. It was a fun mission, but I think it was let down in some places by the translation and some overly complex additional mechanics. I notice that the version we played on Tabletop Simulator was a little out of date compared to the one here, including some additional ambiguities. I have taken most of this into account. Information gets increasingly spoilery as we go: There are some translation artifacts which mess with comprehension a lot. In particular, several keywords (e.g. Group limit, record/remember) haven’t been translated… Read more »

vinn quest
vinn quest
3 years ago
Reply to  Almouse

Hi !
Thank you for your review. Keep in mind this was my first scenario. I’ll try to craft better scenarios in the future, and your comment will help me to achieve this.

3 years ago


Hi, we played it (2 players) and loved it !
Probably the best fanmade scenario we ever played !

It’s really good in every aspect and would love to play it again in the future with friends as it seems to have good replayability !

The art is amazing and the rules and different endings great !
It’s a great experience of a few hours and we love that kind of scenarios 🙂

Keep up the good work !

vinn quest
vinn quest
3 years ago
Reply to  Triton

Hi !
Thank you Triton 🙂

David Blumenthal
David Blumenthal
3 years ago

Enjoying it so far. How do we get into the mountain range? If we failed to get enough clues on it with tablets, the bottom forced text doesn’t do anything because we can’t get into the location.

vinn quest
vinn quest
3 years ago

Hi ! the first versions of the scenario had indeed this mecanism, that prevent you to get the “side quest” of the mountain range if you’re not lucky. I thought it was a brillant idea when i designed the scenario, that gave futher replayability to the scenario. Of course, it turns out that this mecanism could be very frustating, and there is a good reason why there is not something simiar in anyone of the official scenario. So i fixed this issue in the lastest version of the scenario in the french version, and i intend to do the same… Read more »

3 years ago

Hello mate!I really enjoy this scenerio and want to translate this into Chinese!

vinn quest
vinn quest
3 years ago
Reply to  Whyte

Hi, i reply to your email, good luck for the translation 😉

Truls Jacobsen
Truls Jacobsen
3 years ago

The action Walk along the river have two arrows next to it. Does that mean that it cost two actions?

3 years ago
Reply to  Truls Jacobsen

yes, The number of “arrow” icons in the ability’s cost determines how many actions the investigator is required to use for this activate action. 2 arrow icon = it cost 2 actions to trigger that ability.

2 years ago

Pretty stoked to eventually try it! Can’t wait for the new english version 😀
Thanks for your hardwork.

Dario Anchikoski
Dario Anchikoski
2 years ago

A great experience, one I’ll be revisiting for many campaigns to come. A couple notes as to what makes this one so exception; #1: Atmospheric. Every card, every treachery or enemy fits the theme. Some scenarios throw in cards that only somewhat fit or make little to no thematic sense just to fill out the encounter deck (looking at you Excelsior, and your odd treacheries, like poison gas out of nowhere), but every card you draw in Against the Wendigo really pulls you into the story. Even the deer, which just sit aloof on the sidelines, making you wonder why… Read more »

Vinn Quest
Vinn Quest
2 years ago

Thank you for your awesome comment ! Im super glad you liked the scenario atmosphere. it was one of my top priority to get right. Have fun revisiting it 🙂

2 years ago

Hi there, I read that you are working on a German version of your masterpiece. Is there already a place where it is available? Hope to hear from you soon, thank you very much!

2 years ago
Reply to  Monika

I finished the German translation. As soon as I recieve a reply by Vinn, I’ll upload it to him.

2 years ago

Hi Vinn,
I finished the German translation after all. I’ve sent you an e-mail about it. If you’re still interested, I’d love to upload the files for you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Chris

Hey Chris, is there any possibility you could and would share your translation on BGG or here? Would be fantastic!

1 year ago
Reply to  Chris

Ist there a chance to get the Files for the German Version?

3 months ago
Reply to  Chris

Hi Chris, also interested in the German version

2 years ago

Best fanmade Scenario

Vinn Quest
Vinn Quest
2 years ago
Reply to  Garzila

Thank you 🙂

Marcio Luis BTK
Marcio Luis BTK
2 years ago

Hi, sent you an email regardless the Brazilian Portugues translation

1 year ago

I would like to translate this Scenario to Germqn Language.May i get the Eon Files please?