Cost of Azure

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Author/Creator : Matt Grenier all credits goes to him.


My verdict:

Background story:5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)
Visual experience:5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)
Overall experience:5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)
Average:5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)
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4 years ago

Typos and bad art, needs improvement. Writing also too generic. Monday -> prove useful to finding those you heard of last night -> Wait, what? What is the intent here? Weak’s End -> Week’s End extravegant -> extravagant a with a -> with a 1B the “and they seem to be warming to you” seems to refer to the acquaintances but grammatically it refers to a plural where the last (madness) was singular. Feels off. 2a – and apparently many others -> what? Also the mafia reference feels out of place. How would the investigator know this? 2B – lovers’… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Kos

Thanks for the corrections, though weak’s end is intentional. I quite like the art personally.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mjgrenier

The art looks good to me. It’s different than the usual arkham style, which doesn’t mean it’s bad…

4 years ago
Reply to  Mjgrenier

ok suspected as much. Has it been fixed?

Chris Poor
Chris Poor
4 years ago

Loved the atmosphere of this scenario, and the way you turned normally good stuff on its head – a lot of resources can be a problem, etc. Overall, my group of 4 loved the campaign and we plan to play it again. The only issue we had was that the final ‘boss’ was a bit of a pushover – we had most of the scenario to buff up without much real threat, then when everything changed, we just defended while he eliminated the other enemies, and let him have it. The wording of the final situation was such that we… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Chris Poor

Yes, but it’s largely for thematic reasons. The idea of drawing cards that reference partying at the beach didn’t jive with the feeling of the ending to me. I’m open to rebalancing though.

I agree the boss can be anticlimactic, but that’s been my experiences with bosses in this game in total. Maybe some number changes are in order? If you’re on discord you can hit me up at mjgrenier#2664, I’d be interested in talking about your experience if you want. On Reddit too with the same username.

4 years ago

Printed out the content, found more typos. If I made a list would you be willing to update?

4 years ago
Reply to  Kos

It’d be helpful I suppose. If you’re on Reddit or discord, hit me up there. Not sure how quickly I can get to changing it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mjgrenier

How could I find you on reddit? Anyway, in the hope you get to read this, here goes. 0. A lot of cards have duplicates, it might be amusing if you made some of the encounters with small variations in stats, instead of a 2/2/4 witch a 1/3/4 witch or such. CoA errata (fluff text is mostly extremely abbreviated US style requiring to re-read each card multiple times in order to grasp what it tries to say) 1. Casino de monte carlo: for going on a century now -> incorrect grammar – remove going. 2. The Cove: place to get…… Read more »

Michael Earle
Michael Earle
4 years ago

A little confused…I d/l this adventure and looked at the Campaign Guide. It started with Scenario 4 and it was on page 18 and went to 22. Did I not get the first part of the Guide?

4 years ago
Reply to  Michael Earle

It’s part 4 of a campaign, the first 3 parts are in the Bread and Circuses campaign page on here. I’m going to submit an updated file (just text changes, no gameplay updates as of yet) in the next few days and I’ll ask to have the two pages consolidated.

Seth Oakman
Seth Oakman
4 years ago

Sorry wrong scenario.

Seth Oakman
Seth Oakman
4 years ago

Just finished this one. I loved everything about it up until the final agenda. Had a few concerns (keep in mind I was playing the TTS version and at this point I’m not sure if it is most up to date since it has been removed or something? But I still have it saved). 1. I don’t like that the mythos stop being pulled and there is no doom count on the final agenda. It is too easy as you can honestly just sit somewhere until you have your best cards and then go clean house. This is especially true… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Seth Oakman

Yeah, I pretty much agree with all of this and am mulling over how to fix this. I’ve got a few ideas, but am also going back and correcting text on the other 3 scenarios, so hopefully in the next week I’ll release an updated version.

The keyword info is useful, so I’ll go back and look at that stuff as well.

Your feedback has been pretty helpful overall, so I’d love to chat about it if you find a second. I’ve listed my contact info in other replies on here, so hit me up if you get a chance.

Seth Oakman
Seth Oakman
4 years ago
Reply to  Mjgrenier

I’m never opposed to a back-and-forth if you’d like, and we really enjoy your creations, but I’m sadly less available than I’d like to be. I don’t have an active reddit or discord. I’m open to email or messaging at my BGG account though if you have one.

4 years ago
Reply to  Seth Oakman

Mjgrenier#2664 on Discord, same name on reddit

4 years ago
Reply to  Mjgrenier

I didn’t know.
So I need Bread and Circuses and Enter the Dragon first..
and bon voyage. You might consider adding a – part 4 – or similar on the front of the book..
Note to self:
(that page might also need to be updated to link to this part, part 4)

4 years ago

I’ve played all the scenarios released so far (four). I must say that the first two scenarios were as interesting as the plot as they were particular to play. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for the third and fourth scenarios. In both I noticed much less care, both in the story (which is totally lost compared to the beginning in the opinion of my game group), and in the gameplay. Not only did you lose the air of “criminal organization” and intrigue that you could breathe in the first two, but the gameplay seems to have been “shaken up”,… Read more »

4 years ago

curious how many scenarios are planned for this campaign? My group is excited to play this camping but wanna wait until its done.

Jens Söderhäll
Jens Söderhäll
4 years ago

Does this scenario belong to any campain?

4 years ago

It’s part of what’s listed as Bread and Circuses Campaign on here. The campaign is more or less on indefinite hold, but my writing partner recently is more available so there’s a possibility I go back to work on it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mjgrenier

Anno feb 2021 about to print this. Has anything changed in the last 8 months?

3 years ago

Hi, the scenatio guide starts at (implicit) page 18, shouldn’t that be page 1? Or is it the conclusion of another campaign? If so, which one?

3 years ago
Reply to  Kos

This is the fourth scenario of a campaign. It follows the 3 in Bread and Circuses. The files on here are the most up to date one’s I’ve published.

1 year ago

Any chance of getting the cost of azure campaign guide uploaded again? File seems to be corrupted. Can’t open it.
