The War of the Worlds campaign

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Author/Creator : Tyler Gotch all credits goes to him.

“War has come to Earth! Insidious Martian invaders have landed in Grovers Mill, New Jersey, and have begun a campaign to wrest control of the Earth from humanity! But what is the true reason behind this invasion?”

My verdict:

Background story:4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)
Visual experience:5 out of 5 stars (5.0 / 5)
Overall experience:5 out of 5 stars (5.0 / 5)
Average:4.8 out of 5 stars (4.8 / 5)
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3 years ago

Hi. Thanks for sharing, an impressive piece of work! Cards could use a little proofreading, consider this as my way of saying thanks: 1b: set-aside vs Set aside agenda 1b: placing -> then place (act 2b, same) agenda 2a: works the streets -> roams the streets Prologue: ” His” -> “, his” (but hiding from whom?) East end should be spelled East End (see p3: setup: ” , ” -> “, ” ” . ” -> “. ” Set the Jack .. aside -> Set aside the Jack… p5: Resoulution 1 -> Resolution 1 He has -> Jack the… Read more »

Gary Walker
Gary Walker
3 years ago
Reply to  Kos

Thanks, I’ll print this off and look into corrections over the weekend. 👍

Gary Walker
Gary Walker
3 years ago
Reply to  Gary Walker

Hi Kos, I’ve gone through 90% of the corrections so far. Could you send me an email to please? I would like to get in touch with you regarding the scenario. Thanks.

The Beard
The Beard
3 years ago
Reply to  Kos

I think this feedback is meant for A Scandal in Whitechapel, not War of the Worlds.

3 years ago

How do I go about to print this?

3 years ago

Hi, will a PDF (printable) version come at some point ?
I heard a lot of good things about this campaign ! 😉

3 years ago

NO SPOILER Hi, we played this with my GF and had ended a bit skeptical. It was very nice work don’t get me wrong but some of it felt not so great : 1- The “fan-made” feeling : Obviously it is fan-made, but sometimes you feel it more and some rules or ennemies have too few impact on the game (some rules on ennemies never occured at all in 3 scenarios), the difficulty that we found a bit too easy (we play on standard and skipped to difficult during the campaign and yet it was a bit easy for us… Read more »

Alex Shields
Alex Shields
3 years ago

I built octgn specific files for this campaign. You can find them here.

Alex Shields
Alex Shields
1 year ago
Reply to  Alex Shields