Of Sphinx and sands campaign

Fan created adventure for Arkham Horror LCGWhat did you think? Cast your vote below

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Author/Creator : M M (Mat628) all credits goes to him.

This is an entire 3-part campaign. All cards are either in the image files or come from the core set.

When the campaign opens, you have just received a frenzied call from your good friend, Francis Morgan. He urges you to go to a museum in Beacon Hill in Boston to recover a relic he needs. After which you are to fly directly to Cairo to deliver it. In the second scenario you move on to your frenzied search for Dr. Morgan, transversing Cairo and attempting to save yourself from its citizens before the day, and time, expires! Then the campaign concludes underneath the Great Sphinx, where evil is being awakened. Unless you stop it!

Background story:5 out of 5 stars (5.0 / 5)
Visual experience:4 out of 5 stars (4.0 / 5)
Overall experience:5 out of 5 stars (5.0 / 5)
Average:4.7 out of 5 stars (4.7 / 5)

If you want to comment/add ideas for the adventures you can do so on BoardGameGeek HERE or comment below.

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7 years ago

Art style is nice, especially in Scenario 2! Also like the commitment to the map.

7 years ago

Any chance of getting all of these as single images. I want to get these custom printed up on playing cards

7 years ago

The campaign is on artscow
Scenario 1, plus a little bit of 2: http://www.artscow.com/gallery/playing-cards/sphinx-t1ygc1co
Scenario 2: http://www.artscow.com/gallery/playing-cards/sphinx-3uk2e69n
Scenario 3, plus a little bit of 2: http://www.artscow.com/gallery/playing-cards/arkham-lcg-sphi

6 years ago

Hugely enjoyable. Very thematic. I hadn’t visited the pyramids before; I have now.

6 years ago

Played the first scenario, and it was ok, but a bit on the easy side.
The second scenario had some good ideas, but was a bit clunky.
The third scenario was FRIGGIN FANTASTIC. I loved the way the story was integrated with the locations. The fear mechanic was inspired. The difficulty was very well balanced. It was great. Very well done!

6 years ago
Reply to  Empew

Thanks so much!

6 years ago

Ported your campaign to TSS, included it in my AH LCG mod! Will give it a spin soon, the mechanics and theme looks very interesting 🙂


6 years ago
Reply to  Dran

Thanks! But seems wrong link?

5 years ago

Terrible artwork.
Files s01-01,04,08,09,10 cannot even be converted to pdf using png2pdf.com

5 years ago
Reply to  kosterix

Sorry the artwork wasn’t your style. Others did seem to like it.

As far as file conversion, if converting to PDF is important to you, I had no problem converting Scenario 2s, -1 (which I’m pretty sure what you mean) on https://online2pdf.com/ even though they didn’t convert on png2pdf.

4 years ago

I’ve refreshed Scenario 1. It dragged a little in the first Act so I made a few changes to liven it up. While I was at it I made a few modifications elsewhere including the Chaos bag and some of the art. It is mostly the same but enough changes that if you’ve played it before you’d still find new things. Enjoy!

4 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

Hey Matthew, Dran here from Steam (the guy behind the Arkham mod on TTS), someone gave me a heads up that Im running the old version of your campaign, could you contact me and let me know which cards have changed so I can update the version on the mod?

You can find me on Steam, Reddit (/u/drandran) or @Dran on the MythosBusters Discord.


4 years ago

Great scenario 1! There seems to be an error as the scenario setup and Act 1b cards request adding the same cards to the encounter deck.

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott

Thanks for the feedback! I took a look at the conflict. They shouldn’t have been included at setup; I altered the setup card and sent a new set of files to arkhamcentral to load.

4 years ago

Hi everyone!

I have begun a video playthrough of this campaign! The first episode can be found here:

4 years ago

I just finished the campaign playing 2 player on Hard, and lost on the third scenario. My impressions are: Scenario I – Fun and interesting. Thematic locations. Requires significant clue gathering but can waylay a team by also requiring significant combat at any given moment. A bit swingy because of how devastating the skulls are in combination with a Hard chaos bag. Some encounter cards are quite mild and some are insanely brutal, so Wards and other cancellation effects are important. Scenario II – With the optional modules, this one is a treat. I believe Optional Module A makes the… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Stephen

Actually, as a point of revision on the previous post–it’s not true that I can’t think of a way to beat Scenario III. There are a few movement cards that I can think of that trivialize its difficulty–most notably Elusive. Open Gate would be fantastic for a large group. Gate Box would be another, though it opens up a space-time continuum breach that completely shatters the scenario. So while many decks will be useless, a few clutch cards circumvent all of the challenges. Unfortunately, that still amounts to broken in my estimation.

4 years ago
Reply to  Stephen

Thanks for the feedback and kind words. The Fear mechanic isn’t intended to trigger cascading failures. Being pushed back by Fear shouldn’t cause you to take another test. Although I could see how it could be misunderstood.

4 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

Thank you for that clarification, Matthew. I will play it as intended going forward. Let me also provide a further update on my experience with the campaign: I recently introduced the campaign to my regular playgroup in a 4 player campaign on Expert difficulty, and my experience has been: Although all campaigns become easier with more players, this is extremely pronounced with this campaign, due to the (a) generally mild encounter cards, (b) very large maps, (c) very large clue totals, (d) the final scenario’s method of scaling fear tokens and starting gear, (e) extremely swingy chaos bag, (f) scarcity… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Stephen

Thanks again. Good feedback. I’m not sure if there’s a place that makes sense for a boss or 1/p mini-boss. It’s something to consider. I’m in the final stages of putting everything back into Strange Eons again to clean up ambiguities, address some feedback I’ve read, and make some minor changes of things that in retrospect I thought could be improved. As far as the Echoing Footsteps, hiding to avoid detection from the guards was the thematic hook. And then once you were safely past the point of, “Don’t get caught” the Investigators could be a little less cautious. But… Read more »

4 years ago

Hello Matt,
Congratulations for your work !
I’m a member of the french community “Horreur à arkham jce”, we are looking for fanmade scenarios that we could translate to increase the number of adventures available in french.
Would you allow us to translate this adventures for french-speaking players ?
Thank you in advance for your answer.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mitch

Yes, most certainly.

4 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

Great ! Thank you very much ! We will keep you informed of the progress of the translation.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mitch

You may want to hold off. I’m finally finishing a last rework of everything. Much will be the same but there will be some changes. Up to you though.

Philippe Vandeperre V.
Philippe Vandeperre V.
4 years ago

A great campaign, kudos to the author. it’s all very thematic, but I think some things were a bit problematic: a) In general, the way each scenario requiere to search for diferent official cards, and the way after each act you must change the encounter deck is thematic, very it feel clunky. b) In scenario 2, after some act you have to include a “hunting terror”, I didn’t find that card. Also, in the same scenario, Module B requieres more explaining imo. c) Scenario 3 seen to be incomplete, last couple of agendas don’t have a back text, the movement… Read more »

4 years ago

Thank you for the feedback. I’m taking this opportunity, and improved Strange Eons capabilities, to make a real campaign guide which hopefully will make some of these things easier and clearer. Re: the comments on the Third Scenario, not every group will need or access every card. It depends on the number of Investigators and branching plot lines. I believe you mean the blank backs of some of the Acts, that’s as there’s other cards which point to the Resolutions. They’re not incomplete, just not necessary, but I’ll take a look at that. As far as “redaction” I assume you… Read more »

3 years ago

Now up is a major rework of the campaign. There was some content added. Biggest changes were attempts to clear up any confusion issues, and to supplement the basic mechanics of the last scenario to open it up a little.

3 years ago
Reply to  Matthew


Just printed scenario 3 and I have Act 4 has the same text / picture of Act 3. Is Act 4 an extra that is not needed?

3 years ago
Reply to  Amanda

Only one of them gets used and placed during Setup. Which one depends on what happened in the first 2 scenarios.

John Stroud
John Stroud
2 years ago

I’m blown away. This is the first fanmade campaign I’ve played and I loved it. I love how you embedded new items at key locations, and how you introduced new locatations as the scenario evolves. I like too, how some of the most evocative encounter cards were simply challenges on might find in 1920’s Cairo, the ref to Mafouz, and so on. This literary turn wasn’t lost on me. I wish FF would take note. I somehow wound up without a copy of Cairo Alley…wonder if that wasn’t overlooked in a certain release? Even so, this is a must play… Read more »

John Stroud
John Stroud
2 years ago
Reply to  John Stroud

Oops. It’s Cairo ALLY. I see. Nice. 🙂

1 year ago

Great Scenarios, but the Setup and Encounter sets are all over the place and never explained. (1) There are 14 encounter sets across the 3 scenarios but there are few shared cards between scenarios. (2) Scenarios do not have specific icons. For example: Scenario 1 “Eye on the Prize”, uses the “Museum” icon instead of it’s own icon for the Agenda and Act. The “Museum” set is also used (partially) in Scenario 3, which is quite confusing. (2) There is different art for the “It Moved” encounter card in scenario 1 & 3, but each have the same effect. I’m… Read more »