We have added a Forum, since its been requested. Feel free to go have a look.
You can find it via the top menu or use this link FORUM
If you feel it needs another sub forum, you can always reach out to us ” admin @ arkhamcentral.com “
Arkham Horror LCG
We have added a Forum, since its been requested. Feel free to go have a look.
You can find it via the top menu or use this link FORUM
If you feel it needs another sub forum, you can always reach out to us ” admin @ arkhamcentral.com “
Tawatchai Sulalai has created a scenario called Outlast. Go check it out.
You can download and vote on it HERE
Brandon Perree has created a scenario called Legions of fire. Go check it out.
You can download and vote on it HERE
Gary Walker has created a scenario called Dark Khristmas. Go check it out.
You can download and vote on it HERE
Andrew Migliore and Nathan Early have created a scenario called the lurker in the lobby. Go check it out.
You can download and vote on it HERE
Vinn Quest has created a campaign called Heart of Darkness. Go check it out.
You can download and vote on it HERE
PuertoMateo has created a campaign called Machining A Mystery. Go check it out.
You can download and vote on it HERE
KC Na-Cole has created the scenario called The rats in the walls. Go check it out.
You can download and vote on it HERE
Stephen Fazio has created the scenario called The Black Stone. Go check it out.
You can download and vote on it HERE
Red_Rob has created the campaign called Shadows of Yog Sothoth. Go check it out.
You can download and vote on it HERE