The Festival

What did you think? Cast your vote belowFan created adventure for Arkham Horror LCG

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Author/Creator : Matthew Heiti (harkback) all credits goes to him.


My verdict:

Background story:5 out of 5 stars (5.0 / 5)
Visual experience:5 out of 5 stars (5.0 / 5)
Overall experience:4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)
Average:4.8 out of 5 stars (4.8 / 5)
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7 years ago

Thanks to any and all for taking the time printing and playing this scenario. It was a lot of fun to craft.
One small correction to the text on Agenda 3b. Game text under the italics should read:
“Place the set-aside Stygian Grotto location into play.
Move all investigators and enemies from Kingsport locations to the Stygian Grotto.
Advance to Act 4a.”
Apologies for this oversight. This tweak will be included in a final version, once I’ve collected more feedback from players.

7 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

Now updated with version 1.3, fixing some poor wording on cards.

6 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

Congratulations Matthew for this scenario.
I’m a member of the french community “Horreur à arkham jce”, we are looking for fanmade scenarios that we could translate to increase the number of adventures available in french.
Would you allow us to translate this adventure for french-speaking players ?
Thank you in advance for your answer.

6 years ago
Reply to  Aregan

It would be great to see this scenario in French! I would be happy to send you the files/card images. You can email me directly at and let me know if you’d like individual card images or the Strange Eons files.

Will Dennis
Will Dennis
7 years ago

hey matthew! finally got this printed up and was just laying it out. two questions: 1 — do you have a suggested layout for it? i can’t seem to figure out a layout i’m super happy with. the streets all connect to Orange Point but only Ship Street connects to Green Lane (but Green Lane connects back to all the streets, i think). if you have a suggested layout, that would be awesome! 2 — i printed the previous version so don’t have you latest updates — anything major i should be looking out for? anyway, thanks for the hard… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Will Dennis

Will! Thank you so much for taking the time to print this out, and apologies for the errors in the earlier version you’ve printed. I can point you to the BGG thread where I post a photo of a suggested layout and detail what’s changed from earlier versions – they’re all small text corrections that you should be able to ‘roll’ with as you play: But, in brief: 1. Suggested layout would place the Kingsport locations stacked, as a “Christmas tree”: Green Lane as the base, the 3 squares above this (Ship Street at centre), then the 2 triangles,… Read more »

7 years ago

Hello Matthew,

first of all, great scenario!

Any chance you can upload the card images as well?

I’d love to translate this into Italian, and I need the images to recreate every card… can you help me?

Thanks in advance! 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Alessio

Hi Alessio! That sounds great – I’d love to see this get an Italian translation! What exactly do you need to make this happen? I used Strange Eons to create the scenario – if you do the same, I could send you the work files and you could make the changes directly into the app. You can email me directly at

7 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

Hello Matthew,

thank you so much for the quick reply!

Yes, I use Strange Eons as well: it would be great if you could send me the work files via WeTransfer, Google Drive or whichever means you prefer 🙂

Also, thank you very much for your e-mail address! Here’s mine:

For the record, I’ve also translated another scenario called The Grand Oak Hotel!

I still need to get used to Arkham Horror’s writing style, but I think (or better, I hope) I’m getting the hang of it! 😀

Thanks again!

Andrea Pampanelli
Andrea Pampanelli
6 years ago
Reply to  Alessio

Ciao Alessio. Leggo che hai tradotto lo scenario del Grand Oak Hotel. Dove posso trovare i link per il download? Io ho tradotto gli scenari “the collector” e “the curse of amulotep”. Ho inviato i file all’admin così li può caricare sul sito. Sarei contento di poter collaborare con te nella traduzione di altri scenari, così da dividere il carico di lavoro.

6 years ago

Ciao Andrea, grazie per il tuo messaggio!
Eccoti il link per scaricare lo scenario da me tradotto:

All’interno del pacchetto trovi anche una mia dichiarazione che ti autorizza a farne qualunque uso purché non commerciale (facendo il traduttore di lavoro, mi sono dovuto tutelare…).

A me piacerebbe tradurre lo scenario “Bread and Circuses” ma a quanto pare l’autore ha usato Photoshop, per cui non so come recuperare le immagini delle singole carte…
In ogni caso, se ti va di collaborare fammi sapere a quali scenari ti piacerebbe lavorare!

Andrea Pampanelli
Andrea Pampanelli
6 years ago
Reply to  Alessio

Per quanto riguarda il lavoro di editing a livello di immagini non ti preoccupare, ci posso pensare anche io. Le traduzioni che ho fatto dei due scenari le ho fatte con Gimp. Ancora non sapevo dell’esistenza dell’utilissimo StrangeEons! Il grosso del lavoro per me è tradurre dall’inglese, non in quanto non lo sappia ma più che altro perché utilizzano quasi sempre (giustamente) terminologie molto particolari e devo continuamente ricorrere a dei traduttori. Poi tu, facendolo di lavoro, sarai sicuramente più veloce e fluente di me. Quindi se pensi a tradurre il testo delle carte, al layout delle stesse posso pensare… Read more »

Andrea Pampanelli
Andrea Pampanelli
6 years ago
Reply to  Alessio
3 years ago
Reply to  Alessio

Ciao Alessio,
è possibile ancora scaricare i moduli da te tradotti?
In ogni caso grazie e buon lavoro

7 years ago

Thanks for this wonderful scenario of one of my favorite HP Lovecraft stories. However I need some help.


Act 2b reads: “If the investigators haven’t found a seal ring, return to Act 4a”.
Does it really mean “Act 4a” or is this a mistake? I guess it’s “2a” or rather “1a”, right?


7 years ago
Reply to  Manuel

Hi Manuel – thank you for the kind words and for taking the time to print and play this scenario!

I’m sorry for that misprint. Yes, you are correct, it should read “…return to Act 2a.” This error should be corrected in the latest version of the file available here. If you’re working with an older version, you will be fine, but there are just some minor quibbles with wording, which I think I address fully here:

Let me know if you have any other questions! Let me know how the experience went!

7 years ago

Printed off your scenario and failed miserably!! Really enjoyed it though and looking forward to giving it another go.
It has inspired me to make my own scenario…quick question: how did you create your “front page” card? I cant find a template on Eons, and yours looks great…

7 years ago
Reply to  Billy

Hi Billy – Thanks for giving it a try! Hope it works out better for you on the next go, and do let me know if there is anything that doesn’t jive.
For the cover page card, I used the “Labyrinths of Lunacy” scenario pack cover and just altered it to suit. Although the result isn’t perfect! If you search “Arkham Horror Scenario Cover” you should find a few options. Hope that helps!

7 years ago

Superb looking artwork and lay-out. Once I’m done with the Dunwich cycle, I will definately give it a try!

7 years ago
Reply to  Stefaan

Stefaan – Thanks for taking a look and for the supportive words! Let me know how the play goes, when you have the time!

Chris Klotz
Chris Klotz
6 years ago

Hi,I hope someone here who has a little experience with print and play LCG adventures can help to streamline meh workflow. I am looking to get this adventure professionally printed at card studio. The problem I am running into is all of the images come in several .pdf files and the online design tools require me to design the cards one by one, front and back. The site, printer won’t take the .pdf’s and print them as a sheet and then cut them out for me. My question is… How can I pull individual card images apart in order… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Chris Klotz

Hi Chris!
Thanks for the interest in the scenario. I uploaded all the cards to Printer Studio for this very reason. Here’s the link to that:

The link to the BGG thread so you can see the result:

Chris Klotz
Chris Klotz
6 years ago

Hi,I hope someone here who has a little experience with print and play LCG adventures can help to streamline meh workflow. I am looking to get this adventure professionally printed at card studio. The problem I am running into is all of the images come in several .pdf files and the online design tools require me to design the cards one by one, front and back. The site, printer won’t take the .pdf’s and print them as a sheet and then cut them out for me. My question is… How can I pull individual card images apart in order… Read more »

6 years ago

Which location do you start on?

6 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Orange Point is the starting location.

5 years ago

OK so the first sheet: page 1+2 b2b, 3+4 b2b etc; later sheets have front/backs next to each other; but what about sheet 2 and 3? its not clear to me how to glue these

5 years ago
Reply to  kosterix

Hi there. All cards are connected with front and backs adjacent, beginning at the left edge of the page. So, for example, the first sheet: the scenario cover (front) and “The Festival” card #1 (back) go together. And so on, all the way through. Let me know if that clears things up for you.

5 years ago

Hi everyone! I enjoyed this scenario a lot! I’m going to be featuring a playthrough of this on my YouTube channel in a few days. Great times!

Matt E
Matt E
5 years ago
Reply to  Matt

For all interested, I have posted the playthrough here…

5 years ago
Reply to  Matt E

Thank you so much for taking the time to play it and posting the video. It felt so cool and humbling to watch the playthrough!

5 years ago

Hi Matt and thanks for the good work on this scenario. Just a dumb question if you let me? The Cultist are generated from out of play, right ? I played a Mandy Thompson and a Tony Morgan with Leo de Luca and usually put one bounty on each cultist when generated. So I had enough actions to take six of them out. Since the limit to advance was 3 cultist at the white church and there were no longer any cultist out of play to generate, I could never reach the limit. Maybe I would add a condition when… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Ryson

Hi Ryson! Thanks for giving the scenario your time, and for the insight. Yes, cultists are spawned from out of play from their own deck. They also return there, once defeated. That way they can continue to ‘respawn’ and you should never run out of cultists. Of course, when they are all on board, that may present an edge case, and I’ll take a look at that if I ever get a chance to revise.

Thank you!

5 years ago

Hello Matthew, I just tried out the scenario, I love the theme and flavour of it, great work overall.

I wanted to point out however that the bland-faced thing references grimoires attached to the old man, when it should be referring to its self. I know the bland-faced man was refereed to as the old man in the story(agenda) text, but I found it a tad confusing considering the card “The terrible old man

Otherwise I had a ton of fun with the scenario, good work!

Matthew Heiti
Matthew Heiti
4 years ago
Reply to  Dylan

Hi Dylan! Sorry for the slow reply, but thank you for the kind comments and the useful feedback. That was a detail missed when updating an earlier version, when the “Old Man” was the still name of the “Bland-Faced Man.” The change was made to clarify, but I obviously missed correcting this one case. Apologies for the confusion!

4 years ago

Great art. Great story. I feel like a little too punishing and easy to get overwhelmed. We got to a point where we were just stemming the tide for 4 or 5 turns before just getting overrun and then boom, it was over.

4 years ago

Just finished a play-through with Rex and Zoey – wow, just WOW! I’m so impressed with the quality, design, production, and just general awesomeness of this scenario. It was very thematic, and felt like (no spoilers) it peaked in this very appropriate way at the right time with amazing tension!
I also loved the overall layout – it felt like exploring a town and ascending a peak – huge thank you for doing this, incredible work!

4 years ago
Reply to  Sean

Hi Sean! Thank you so much for taking the time to play the scenario, and for these very kind words. It’s a good kick in the pants that makes me want to get back to the drawing board with a couple of other scenario ideas.

4 years ago

I just finished playing this scenario twice. I agree with commenters who have praised the theming and faithfulness to the Lovecraft story. Regrettably though, my group had pretty bad experiences that we blame on the mechanics. Our first playthrough was actually the better one (albeit stemming tide more than actual forward progress) due to a little bit of luck and a little bit of Mr. Magooing over landmines. Then on our second playthrough we pulled a couple “Hard/Expert” Elder Things and it was immediately game over. But both times, the thing that didn’t sit right with us was how much… Read more »

4 years ago

-SPOILERS AHEAD- I just re-read my long post above and I don’t like that it makes it sound like barring RNG the scenario would work. I actually think the scenario’s fundamental challenge is broken. Heads-up for spoilers as I describe why. 1) The fundamental challenge of this scenario is that 1 4-health Aloof enemy spawns every turn. (That’s right, 1. Regardless of player count. It’s as obviously unfair as it sounds.) 2) Players lose if these endless waves of enemies make it from Point A to Point B. 3) Players win if they infinitely guard Point B. (Yes, a single… Read more »

3 years ago

Very good scenario, thanks for your time writing it ! 🙂 The art is great, the story well-written and engaging and the game design generally good (see spoiler), we kind of succeed and it lasted 3 hours ^^’ SPOILER 1- Nothing incentive you to go for the location that disappears before it does. I’m glad we didn’t go there or we would have been frustrated. Not useful to story nor the game design… 2- It’s pretty hard to find that ring, we were a bit lost as we didn’t go to the right location and were wondering if it has… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Captain
3 years ago

Hi there Matthew!
My name is David, writting from Spain. I´d like to ask you if we can translate your scenario to spanish, of course giving you al the credit.

Kos Petoussis
Kos Petoussis
3 years ago

Hi is this the latest version or is the one from
more recent?

2 years ago

German translation

Matthew kindly gave me permission to produce a German translation of his phantastic scenario.

Download links at BGG

Kevin Quigley
Kevin Quigley
1 year ago

My group and I did not enjoy this scenario at all. We did finish it, but then collectively decided that we’d act as if it “just didn’t happen” regarding the campaign we were playing. I realize that the work and generosity it takes to create one of these things is enormous, so I’ll try to offer a few constructive comments. The positives: The art and theme are great. There is a real sense of place and the experience of being trapped in this knotted town is excellent. The crescendo of intensity in the story was also good – though, I… Read more »