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NEW VERSION UPLOADED 6th of september 2019
Author/Creator : ArgusTheCat all credits goes to him.
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Arkham Horror LCG
Hey! This one is mine!
Its been updated 6th of september 2019.
If anyone does actually play it, I’d love feedback and criticism, and I’m happy to answer any questions if I screwed up the wording on anything.
Should probably just have made this a reply in the first place, but I was in a hurry. Whoops. Anyway, I was wondering was the encounter deck construction for this scenario was supposed to be? How many copies of each card and the like? The lack of an encounter deck setup instruction, even if it were just to say “play 1 of everything, dummy” is a bit of a speed bump for me at the moment.
Am really enjoying this so far. I have a question: does agenda 4a effectively block Act 3a from being advanceable?
Holy shit, I didn’t even notice that. It totally does. It actually shouldn’t, because that makes for a weird bottleneck of gameplay. Pretend it doesn’t do that!
well you messed it up. No card to become Nobody.
Hi Argus,
I´m a member of Los Archivos de Arkham a spanish podcast about the game.
We want to translate your scennario and print it for our patreon backers. Do you have any problem with that?
Did you prepare it with StrangeAeons?
Thanks in advice,
Hello! Could it be possible to prepare the adventure as a PDF file with all the pages and the cards with their correct size?
Thank you
Does anyone know the encounter deck construction for this scenario? How many copies of each card and the like? The lack of an encounter deck setup instruction, even if it were just to say “play 1 of everything, dummy” is a bit of a speed bump for me.
Hi, I’m trying to print it but I’ve some problems with the cards:
Location floor 1 thirsty lion back, missing the front one
Location Floor15 lounge missing the front one
Location floor 8 hotel room back there is also a Location floor 8 hotel room back2 and only one front, which one is right?
Could you please help me?
found the answer in the printerstudio link
Easily one of my favorite adventures so far (and I play a LOT of them!). Thank you for a solid scenario complete with great mechanics, art, and writing!
Ive added this scenario to Tabletopsimulator http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1322098817
I enjoyed this one. The story was very cool and immersive and some of the mechanics were interesting. I ran into an issue with the elevator mechanic. There are several ways you can break it(for example, using astral travel from one floor to another, or if someone uses the elevator to another floor and dies there) , so it may help to add an action to some locations where you could move the elevator to your floor. The weapon situation can end your game very early as well. I’m not sure this was needed. The reward at the end is… Read more »
As I told Vase, the elevator is not easy (if even possible) to break as people can use it from any floor to call the elevator.
Also, the scenario allows for an initial unique situation for weapons and allows for full weapon use later.
Still prob my favorite fan made scenario and I have played a lot of them.
What chaos bag set up do people use for this one in stand alone? As far as I can tell, there isn’t one suggested in set up
You can use the standard bag rules from the core set. At least, that’s what I do =)
well written and scary. Some minor points:
Grand oak hotel
Act 1b concedes to you – it is to concede something to someone, plz remove the “.” after you, replace with “with” {quote}
Act 2a, 1 space too much between few and locked.
Act 4a, grey metal doors do not sit.
Agenda 2a unexpected should be on prev line.
Boiler Room: IF -> If
Manager’s office back, missing dot after Office.
==== frequency === (saves you squinting through that printerstudio thing) 3x Treachery what hit me.png 3x Cards back.jpg 1x William Hebb.jpg 1x Back back.jpg 4x Treachery never remember.jpg 4x Back back.jpg 4x Item grand oak memento.jpg 4x Back back.jpg 6x Monster Whispering Remnant.jpg 6x Cards back.jpg 2x Treachery who are you.jpg 2x Cards back.jpg 3x Monster Thought harvester.jpg 3x Cards back.jpg 4x Treachery lost time.jpg 4x Cards back.jpg 2x Treachy loose thoughts.jpg 2x Cards back.jpg 4x Treachery it must have worked.jpg 4x Cards back.jpg 2x Treachery how did I get here.jpg 2x Cards back.jpg 4x Monster confused guest.jpg 4x Cards… Read more »
I enjoyed this one a lot! I’m going to be featuring a playthrough of this scenario on my YouTube channel in a couple of weeks. Great times!
My playthrough can be viewed here:
It was a pretty fun episode and its looks like a great scenario!
What has changed?
card deck 3.png -> text reordered a bit the lost accountant totally different behavior. ====== errata v2 ———— Act 1b concedes to you – it is to concede something to someone, plz remove the “.” after you, replace with “with” {quote} Act 2a, 1 space too much between few and locked. Act 4a, “there sits an” -> grey metal doors do not sit. -> appears Agenda 2a unexpected should be on prev line. —- card frequency changes: v1=6x whispering remnant; v2: 4x (2 less). monster yill gone in v2 v1: 3x becoming nobody -> v2: 0x (gone) v1: 4x Lost… Read more »
The last version is broken: the cards Becoming nobody and others are missing, and all cards refer to Nobody, so without it the set is unplayable.
Thank god I still have the old set.
Can you send the old set to me? I started playing the broken scenario :((
sure, but only the pdf. I convert everything to pdf because that is what office printers do best. Let me know if below link works out for you.
all constructive criticisms appreciated.
fronts-01-16 is the one you are looking for if you want to play with v2. It has the becoming nobody cards (and the correct frequencies).
Hello. I’m trying to get the old version and found your link, but it doesn’t seem to work…
i think this has been broken by the lack of nobody cards :c
I noticed as well, but see my link.
Hi, I am a big fan of your campaign from South Korea.
Today AH lcg Korean Ver. was released but only the Core box.
Therefore I want to translate your scenario and post at Korean community so that many people could play more scenarios.
Do you mind if I translate and post your AH lcg scenario?
Is there a link to get this scenario printed at artscow or similar?
printerstudio, not artscow. I’m sure you can find them.
Well… since the creator can’t be bothered to fix this, I just mix the old and new cards, more variation is best i guess.
Help! Is the version on printerstudio out of date? Should I print the most recent zip attached here instead? The comments say there are issues with the latest version so I’m not sure what to do
Hi Author, I love the look of this scenario and wanted to ask something please. You uploaded it to printerstudio.com, but I wondered please if you could do the same with printerstudio.co.uk! The UK site doesn’t share user-made items with the .com site, and it would cost so much to print, ship and import from overseas. Is it an easy thing to do? If it isn’t, please don’t worry, I only ask if it’s something straightforward. Many thanks 🙂
Hi! I believe Becoming Nobody is missing from the current version.
Love the theme and atmosphere of this scenario!
We work on french translation
In V1 we have nobody card but they are not use in game.
In V2 we don’t have Nobody card in Files
Can you post your final version of your scenario please?
a link to a nobody card to print? or what are the abilities?
see my link.
Thanks for this amazing scenario. I really enjoyed the theme/art/story told here.
A few thoughts after playing: 1. The quality of this scenario is really good! Interesting enemies, cool story, really fun. Thanks! 2. Some weird interactions seemed possible with “Becoming Nobody.” First, it seems like “Alter Fate” could discard it which… seems like it would ruin the scenario. Likewise, if the player with Becoming Nobody dies, the weakness sort of vanishes for a time, right? Maybe the card should say that if it would ever leave play, it must go on a living investigator? 3. Our group survived, but Deranged Crowd seems *really* strong for an encounter you can go into… Read more »
Hello, I just got a few questions if you don´t mind. First, about the Elevator mechanism and how the Enemies with the ability Hunter interact with it. According to the Set-up instructions, Hunter Enemies can call the elevator provided they don´t have a valid Prey to chase so that the movement for that phase finishes there. The Enemy who called the elevator can´t move any further between floors. Second, regarding the Weapons the investigators are forced to put aside during set-up. According to the Action on the Manager´s Office Location card, investigator can search the confiscated weapons and put one… Read more »