Betrayal at the Mountains of Madness

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The author has asked me to use his page for downloads instead of being hosted here, so use links below to download.

Author/Creator : Tim Fletcher all credits goes to him.

15-04-2022 Tim has reached out and asked me to temporarily remove the download links since he is sorting the adventure out. I will update with page again when he ok’s it.

My verdict:

Background story:5 out of 5 stars (5.0 / 5)
Visual experience:4 out of 5 stars (4.0 / 5)
Overall experience:4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)
Average:4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)
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David N
David N
4 years ago

I’ve been unable to open the files. Do you know if there’s anything specific about them? Mac or PC? Is anyone else having difficulty?

4 years ago
Reply to  David N

I just tested the zip file again, and it seems to work just fine? is it the image files? or where are you having problems?

David N
David N
4 years ago
Reply to  Carsten

I get the zip files, and can then open them and see the png files. But I can’t get those png files to open. I’ve tried various programs and online png sites and nothing opens them for me. I can see your pdf files fine, but not the pngs. 🙁 I’m bummed, because this sounds like a great scenario!

4 years ago
Reply to  David N

PNG files are fairly normal picture types …. Perhaps you could try and hold down CTRL and then right click the mouse on top of one of the PNG files. Once you do that navigate down to the OPEN WITH menu and pick the image viewer you normally use it should be able to open it. If you want to set it as default then you can choose USE ANOTHER APP and then pick one and set it as default, then it should use it everytime from now on 🙂 Let me know how it goes. Alternativily you can download… Read more »

4 years ago

I must be dense but I don’t see the relevance of splitting into 3 separate zips. I just did png2pdf and intend to print all. Any suggestions?

4 years ago
Reply to  Kos

Hello Kos! I think the split in three is based on both production realities and the FFG campaign model for longer campaigns.

There is a ”generic encounter package” like what is provided in the deluxe campaign boxes, encounter sets used throughout the campaign. Then there are two ”scenario folders”, as in Mythos Packs, with all the cards used only in that particular scenario.

That is how we interpreted it.


4 years ago

about batmom-2: umm what’s the thing with the Aftercastle-1 cards (and the others)? Are they stacked? Could you increase the text a bit, it’s very tiny and the background is very dark as well. Hard to read from print. But also no idea how to use the (constructed) cards.

Also, are we supposed to play batmom-1 first? Is there any connection between the two stories? They seem kinda unrelated.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kos

Hi Kos. Did you find the campaign guide? They’ve added a link to it at the top of this article now. I’m not sure what to do about the text size – on each card it’s as large as it can be while still fitting. Not sure if I need think simplify some of them, apparatus can be a real problem here.

4 years ago

We just had our first play-though of the first two scenarios. We played three players: Daisy, Sefina and Yorrick. We thought the campaign so far is really really promising. The scenarios all show marks of well thought-out and implemented game mechanics. Two of us love the Lovecraft novella, so we love what you are doing with it. The Nazis and Aliens makes it all something of Lovecraft meets Wolfenstein meets X-files. Spoiler alerts. We downloaded the campaign from your wordpress page, so we have not played the latest update. If anything is changed in this version, please disregard it. Boston… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Fredmans

Edit: Now we realize that Lost in translation is meant to hurt the discard action. That is all fine, but two of our three investigators had high intellect, so only Yorrick needed this option. This was actually quite useful. He cleared the engine room in no time, since he wants his assets in the discard anyway. Apart from that location, he had no other investigation opportunities. For us, this card had a very limited impact only during a very short window of time. A mechanism discarding random cards would be an alternative that always has a consequence. We also thought… Read more »

4 years ago

I played through the first scenario tonight and a few things (besides it was a lot of fun):
(1) It’s not obvious in the campaign guide whether Ally assets count towards an ally slot. I presume they don’t count and otherwise offer their skills. Maybe something to add to the comapaign guide.

4 years ago
Reply to  GooberVA

I’ve added this to the campaign guide, thanks.

David N
David N
4 years ago

Played the two scenarios. LOVE them. :Love having all the Miskatonic characters around. This is a great start. When can we expect Scenario #3?

4 years ago
Reply to  David N

Scenario 3 is complete and playable, but I’ve been holding off making a printable version because I’m a bit unsure about one of the major mechanics. It’s quite complex, and I’m worried it’s *too* complex.

4 years ago

Hello! We managed to pick up where we left for the third scenario. We decided to play through all three scenarios again with different characters, so we will offer more thoughts in late January. First off, Cold Heart was very different in many ways, which we all valued greatly. The No Connections rule turned some of our most valued cards into garbage. Fittingly, we gave them a similar use. The whole exploration mechanic was a lot of fun, and felt very streamlined and intuitive as well. We had two initial queries to which we could not find immediate answers. Immune… Read more »

Samuel Cole
Samuel Cole
4 years ago

My group really enjoyed the campaign so far and are very grateful for the Tabletop Simulator download. We have played through Scenarios 1-4 once with two players (Tony Morgan and Luke Robinson) on standard difficulty. The text in the setup, resolutions, and interludes is a little long; in most cases you could cut a third of your word count to deliver the same information. The first three scenarios were very good, but I have some feedback on scenario four. My group got Resolution 3 for that scenario, but it was down to the wire (with some rules shenanigans) – though… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Samuel Cole

Hi Samuel, thanks for this detailed feedback. After some other playthroughs I’ve totally revised this scenario and implemented changes quite like some of your suggestions. Acts 1 and 5 have gone, clues start on locations, and so on to make it a bit shorter and less complex. The darkness cards will have a way to avoid them. On point 8, I was trying to be careful not to make the optional extra objective seem too important – what you’re actually supposed to do is run, and the optional extra is really a stretch goal for those who’ve played the scenario… Read more »

3 years ago

Hi! My group is playing through this campaign at the moment, really enjoying it so far. We’ll be playing Scenario 5 later this week, which appears to be the last one available in the Tabletop Simulator mod — but I notice that the campaign guide on your blog contains what look like full setup and resolution instructions for Scenario 6. Is the sixth scenario available to play somewhere? If it’s still in playtesting we’d be happy to try out an “unfinished” version and give feedback. 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Simon

Hi Simon, sorry I didn’t see this message. I’ve added the playtest version of Scenario 6 to the steam workshop mod so it’s there to play if you want to.

3 years ago

Any chance we can get copies of the new scenarios to print?

3 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Hi Robert, I’m planning to make print and play versions of the whole campaign once it’s finished.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jaxtrasi

give us hope

2 years ago
Reply to  Simone

Hi Simone. The campaign is now finished and playable via TTS. I’m (slowly) implementing the feedback I’ve received from the online version and the printable version will follow when that’s ready.

2 years ago

I read a thread that around 2020 the files on AC were outdated. Where is the current version?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kos

Rather frustratingly I’ve just spent and age downloading, sorting backs, double sided printing, cutting, laminating and trimming the first three scenarios from the files supplied here only to find things don’t match up when following the Campaign Guide. The “Surging Rats” set mentioned in the guide must be the “Swarming Rats”, which is OK, no big deal. The “Dark Dreams” set doesn’t seem to exist though. Assuming another name change has taken place I thought perhaps that the set had been retitled “Pitch Black” (which does exist in the image files). However, I checked further through the guide at later… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  LSDWho

I’m so sorry to hear that! The versions on here are very out of date but should still be playable if I can sort out the campaign guide for you properly. If you’re able to contact me on Discord or Reddit ( I can piece something together for you so you can play.

2 years ago

A good 3.5/5 but if I am forced to round it, I suppose I could put it at 4/5.
The writing is solid but lacks a certain grit and grimness but I’ll not deduct point for that. What I will deduct points for however is how overdesigned thus campaign is. KISS is maxim for a reason and this campaign suffers from having far too many mechanics crammed into it for the sake of facilitating novelty.

2 years ago

5/5 Amazing campaign!! Tim has gone above and beyond to innovate the gameplay, giving players unprecedented experiences, such as playing with Arkham investigators as allies and sneaking through a big map while huge battles take place in the sky. I played 10+ unofficial campaigns and this is the first time the level of innovation impressed me this much. This campaign will be appreciated by players who already know the core game well and are ready to put some effort to learn new rules. Personally, I enjoyed all scenarios for their richness and uniqueness, and it the campaign has a lot… Read more »

2 years ago

Played the whole campaign with Mary and Rex (quite the pairing). I have to say the whole concept, story, and innovative scenarios made for a fantastic game. I have played the CoC RPG adventure Beyond the Mountains of Madness so a few of the concepts were familiar, I guess Tim has played that too. Loved the various chase themes that string this campaign together, you seem to be running for your life most of the time and the excitement grows as the enemies close in. The use of Allies from other scenarios is handled very well and sometimes sacrifices have… Read more »

1 year ago

How can I download this to print&play, is there an updated version?

James Lederer
James Lederer
1 year ago

A fantastic campaign. Love the adversaries and historical background, the classic pulp tropes, and the innovative mechanics, particularly the various rivals and the multi-way situations that ensue. Played two-player once and am doing so again with a different friend.

1 year ago

hi guys still no printable pdfs?